
SANO events

The following programme has been put together for 2024:

20 Jan 1100 Curry Lunch/Lecture Hove Club SOE Female Agents Sheryl Green
23 Mar 1045 AGM Lecture/Curry Lunch Hove Club Atlantic Conveyer Experience CDR Rupert Head RN
17 Apr Visit Southwick House (formerly HMS Dryad) Lunch at Southwick Golf Club D-Day
18 May 1830 Mess Guest Night Hove Club Brigadier Anthony Lamb MBE, Deputy Head Eastbourne College
7 Jun 1200 Lunch Army & Navy Club (RAG), Pall Mall
20 Jul 1100 Lunch/Lecture Hove Club Poland and the Intermarium Richard Werrick
5 Sep 1200 Pub Lunch Bistro Pierre, Eastbourne
26 Oct 1830 Trafalgar Night Dinner Hove Club
9 Nov 1100 Lecture/Lunch Hove Club Shoreham Harbour Shoreham Harbour Engineer

Event bookings and payments

Payment should accompany bookings.  This can be by cheque via the Social Secretary, Ray Wright, or by transfer to the Association’s bank account.  Bank details appear on booking forms.

SANO does not offer a “pay on the door” or at the event facility, credit or acknowledge bookings, but members with queries on a booking or payment are welcome to contact the Secretary.