Sussex Shipmates

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Our Association used to be known as the ‘Sussex ex Chief and Petty Officers Association’ (Old and Bold).  With this change we have opened membership to all ranks and rates.  In normal times we meet at 2000 on the 2nd Friday of every month at:

Sussex Yacht Club
Brighton Road
Shoreham by Sea
BN43 6RF

The meetings are generally social with opportunity for talks on matters of interest, quiz nights, etc.  Anybody can come along and meet old friends and make new ones.


Programme 2024

Saturday 1st JUNE HMS SUSSEX Reunion A Lunchtime Gathering at Sussex Yacht Club
Saturday 20th JULY BBQ Details are available from Mick Irons
Saturday 19th OCT Trafalgar Night Dinner A black tie dinner with Naval traditions.

The subscription is £10 per calendar yearFor further information please contact the Secretary:

Mick Irons
Telephone: 01903 240280