Sussex Association of Naval Officers www.sussexnavy.org |
Application for Membership
I wish to apply for membership of the Sussex
Association of Naval Officers (SANO). Service rank (if any): Profession or business: Private address:
Post code: Telephone: E-mail:
Data protection statement (GDPR):
SANO collects, retains and uses the
above personal data solely for the purposes of administering the membership
and informing you of future events. Such data, whether on paper or in
electronic format, is secured from public access, kept for only so long as
it is needed and only shared with other organisations when required as part
of a visit to a security-controlled location (visitors’ names and car
details). The SANO Executive Committee seeks to comply with all statutory
data protection requirements. SANO’s Privacy Notice can be found on
the SANO website. Please complete the GDPR Consent form attached to this
Service appointments and other career details (continue on extra pages if
necessary) Membership of service-related clubs/associations: Names of any present members of the association with whom you are personally acquainted:
Please circle one or more of the statements
below and return your application form by post or by email to the Membership
Secretary (details below). By signing below, you agree to the GDPR statements made above. If accepted, you agree to abide by the Association’s Rules and to do your best to further its aims and objectives.
Date: |
Sussex Association of Naval Officers www.sussexnavy.org |
GDPR (2018) Data Protection Statement and Member’s Consent Email address: * Surname: *
Forename: *
The information you provide on this form to the Sussex Association of Naval Officers (SANO) will be retained and used solely for the purposes of informing you of future events. Such data, whether on paper or in electronic format, is secured from public access, kept for only so long as it is needed and only shared with other organisations when required as part of a visit to a security-controlled location (visitors’ names and car details). The SANO Executive Committee seeks to comply with all statutory data protection requirements. Your data will be stored and used in accordance with SANO’s Data Privacy Notice which can be found on the SANO website. In accordance with the Privacy Notice your consent is required to provide your name, car details and contact details on those occasions when a SANO event in which you are taking part includes a visit to a location where these details need to be provided to gain access. Paying your subscription to the Association will constitute consent that the Association may hold your data (name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address and subscription payment details) in order to send you by post or email communications relevant to the Association. Your data will not be shared with anyone without your consent. You are entitled to see your data at any time and to ask for any changes to be made or errors to be corrected. If you consent to your data being held and used by SANO as described above and in the Privacy Notice please tick YES below. □ YES
SANO may take photographs or videos at SANO events and publish these on its website or social media channels to promote the Association. If you consent to your image being used in this way, please tick YES below. □ YES
Date approved by EC: June 2018/April 2019 Date for review: January 2021
Revised: August 2019 Page 2 of 2